SET is now NI.

Together SET and NI provide complete customer-centric solutions to accelerate Power Semiconductor and Aerospace Test System Development.

SET GmbH launches new Corporate Design

How the traditional company redefines itself

SET GmbH presents a complete makeover of its traditional brand representing a fundamental modernization that perfectly aligns to the new company strategy presented in 2021. With the new logo, the new corporate design and the new website, this step marks the visual foundation for the vision that is guiding Frank Heidemann, the company’s founder and general manager, namely to become a global player and the international market leader in the domain of innovative test systems.

In April 2021, SET presented its “Vision 2026” for the long-standing company. The aspiration: As the global market leader for innovative test systems we want to accelerate the development of sustainable mobility for both ourselves and for future generations. In the coming years, SET wants to achieve its ambitious goals with a clear focus on further innovation. Especially through global growth in testing for aviation and semiconductors. This also includes the creation of new sites in France, in the United Kingdom, in the US but mainly in Asia with its strong developments on the semiconductor market.

The company’s growth is not intended to only serve our own interests. It also covers our responsibility towards society. Frank Heidemann believes that the job of technology always includes the improvement of the world and that it needs to give back to society, e.g., in the form of safer flights or by reducing CO2-emissions through more efficient semiconductors.

All signs set to the future

Ambitious goals need a corresponding confidence, which is the core of the new brand image as it more clearly defines the brand for both customers and employees of the company.

“SET GmbH has always been synonymous with technical evolution and is driven by visionary ideas and flexibility. We repeatedly keep this promise with our innovations in products and solutions. And while our company does not stand still, we still keep our eyes on our core values. With our new brand image, we also want to underscore this aspiration externally, and I personally think that we did well,” says a proud Frank Heidemann when asked about SET’s new look.

The challenges here: to keep the basics of a well-established brand as a leading provider of test systems for aviation and power semiconductors while modernizing appropriately. Additionally, this relaunch is intended to provide a clear visual structure for SET’s three core domains: Aviation, semiconductors and expert knowledge.

Clear structures to sharpen the visual identity

new Design for SET Website

Our answer: The new design regroups these core competences as a trilogy in both our logo and our corporate design with a clear visualization of the structure on the new website. The unified color scheme and the cubic forms of the new logo are applied throughout the website and in our additional company equipment. In this way, they guide the user intuitively through navigation and content. The precise graphics applied to icons helps to provide additional orientation and repeatedly puts SET’s three core domains into focus. And as a tribute to our former corporate design, we have kept the dark blue as the DNA and signature color, which we have skillfully enhanced by adding the fresh shades of green to the color chart.

On the occasion of our 20th anniversary, Frank Heidemann proposed a clear vision for SET: “Together, we want to mark the beginning of a new era in terms of designing, developing and maintaining test systems for aeronautics“.

Launching our new corporate design now also forms the visual foundation for taking the next step on the ladder to success.

About SET GmbH – Smart Embedded Technologies

The technology company based in Wangen im Allgäu is specialized in developing testing systems and electronics for the power semiconductor and aviation industries. SET GmbH is an expert in testing wide-bandgap materials like SiC and GaN. Besides that, the traditional company is a technological leader in the development of dynamic testing systems. Through this, customers always fulfil the latest quality requirements for future topics like e-mobility. The innovative company is conducting projects from the definition of system requirements via the development of hardware, mechanics, and software all the way to production and commissioning of the complete system.Since its foundation in 2001, SET has seen continuous growth and today employs around 120 people on three locations in Germany and the US.